Standard Biology

Course Title: Standard Biology
Location: Room 131
Instructor Contact Information
            Phone (school): (603) 569-2055

Conference/Office Hours: Monday-Friday after school, by appointment

Course Description
Standard Biology is a survey of biology designed with a practical approach to the life sciences.  The goal of this course is to develop the ability of students to think scientifically and to solve problems using the scientific method.  The program relates the major biological themes to environmental and social issues.  It provides students with the knowledge and tools necessary to deal with present and future change

Content Covered
  1. Characteristics of Life
  2. The Scientific Method
  3. Chemistry
  4. Biochemistry
  5. Cell Structure
  6. Photosynthesis/Respiration
  7. DNA, RNA, & Protein Synthesis
  8. Cell Cycle
  9. Genetics/Evolution
  10. Biotechnology
  11. Microbiology
  12. Invertebrate Zoology
  13. Vertebrate Zoology
  14. Ecology

Course Outcomes/Competencies
Following completion of this course students will:
  1. Develop the ability to apply the scientific method,
  2. Construct graphs from scientific data,
  3. Apply analytical skills in drawing and communicating conclusions through a scientific approach,
  4. Demonstrate observation, data collection, measuring, organizing, classifying, hypothesizing, analyzing, and inferring skills through lab work,
  5. Use lab equipment safely and appropriately,
  6. Demonstrate basic dissection procedure (encouraged, not required),
  7. Make independent decisions showing a linkage to material previously covered,
  8. Relate basic chemistry to biological processes such as photosynthesis and respiration,
  9. Identify cell structures and their functions,
  10. Explain in their own words the basic biological processes such as osmosis, diffusion, and protein synthesis,
  11. Explain two types of cell division, their function, and the structure of their genetic material,
  12. Differentiate the basic theories of evolution, state evidence supporting basic evolutionary theory, and the formation of species,
  13. Understand the key characteristics, methods of reproduction, and importance to man and the biosphere of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, algae, and fungi,
  14. Discuss the importance of plants, their basic structures, and how they function,
  15. Understand the key characteristics, methods of reproduction, importance to man, and the biosphere of invertebrates such as sponges, mollusks, flatworms, arthropods, insects, etc.,
  16. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of vertebrates such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, and
  17. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the human organ systems: skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, and reproductive.

Course Activities
The work for this course will be a combination of lecture, discussion, lab work, and activity work.  Students will be expected to maintain a notebook, which will include notes taken during lecture and worksheets/labs as well as review materials distributed during class.  Class activities and assignments will include skits, projects, written and oral reports, including formal lab reports.

Parke, Helen M.  and Enderle, Patrick. Biology. Cycles of Life.  Circle Pines, Minnesota: AGS Publishing, 2006.

Classroom Requirements
  1. Treat others with respect. 
  2. Work in cooperation with your lab partner/lab groups.
  3. Maintain lab safety at ALL times.
  4. Come to class on time and be prepared—this includes the following:
    1. Bring notebook (2 inch, 3-ring binder) and a writing utensil (pencil preferred)
    2. Bring text
    3. Bring completed assignments (worksheets, homework, lab reports)
    4. Be ready to have fun!
  5. All assignments should have a neat, professional appearance with attention to complete sentences, spelling, and punctuation.
  6. Attend every class session.  In the event you cannot make it to class notify me in advance if possible.  Makeup work should be completed within one week of the absence. Students are responsible for arranging to make up their work.  Note: Late work will lose 7 points (one grade) for each day late.
  7. Missing work receives a zero and cannot be made up after the marking period—note that there is no extra credit and the lowest grade will not be dropped, therefore it is best to get it done correctly and on time the first time!
  8. It is required you keep a binder for all your labs, tests, notes, and other class materials.  This will be a valuable study tool for your final and mid term and for use in your two lab exams.


**Note: There is one mid-term exam and one final exam, each of which are worth 10% of the overall semester grade.

**Weighted averages may be shifted slightly depending on the number of tests, quizzes, and labs performed during a quarter.  The activities and content reflected her are offered as guidelines and are subject to modification based on the progress of students in the class.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.**

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